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Welcome to the Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy Podcast Page!  We will be recording and posting new Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy content beginning in 2024!  Visit our website for the latest Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy show information  

Keep it on course, 

Mike Brabenec, PGA & Billy Gibbs, PGA

Jan 28, 2012

During Mike's Course - Mike and Billy discuss the First Tee Training that they attended the 19th-21st of January and how it can be create a better environment for teaching golf to kids and adults.  Jim McLean, PGA Top 5 Instructor Golf Digest calls into the show to discuss his new book "The Complete Hogan".  A deeper look into the changes that helped Ben Hogan create his iconic golf swing.  

Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy is brought to you by Slickstix.comAvila Beach Golf ResortBlacklake Golf ResortAdams GolfThe Shorecliff Lodge and  Visit for the latest show information, contests, videos, iPhone and Android Apps and more!  If you are interested in advertising with Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy email us