Nov 27, 2010
First there was Wii Fit, now slim your golf handicap with the new “My Personal Golf Trainer” for the Wii featuring the world’s best-known golf coach, David Leadbetter. Using the unique technology that has made the Wii a global hit in millions of households, “My Personal Golf Trainer” offers swing analysis...
Nov 27, 2010
Mike and Billy share their Thanksgiving Day stories and discuss holidays and the golf business. Lynn Blake calls into the show to discuss the TALY MIND SET and his work with PGA Tour Player Brian Gay.
Nov 20, 2010
Nov 20, 2010
Mike's Course - The GTRadio Chip is rising in value and
popularity as discussed by Mike & Billy. Mike & Billy also
share their Thanksgiving Day golf stories both playing golf and
working at a golf course to celebrate the holiday.
Visit the Golf Talk Radio sponsors and tell them GTRadio sent you
they help make the show...
Nov 13, 2010
Mike & Billy interview Harry Sewell from a company that specializes in leather, putter and iron golf grips as well as putter covers made from real leather. Mike and Billy also play PGA Mystery Tour Player, Driver of the Day and draw the winner of the Aramco Mortgage Golf Get Away which includes golf for...