Jun 28, 2014
During the 2nd hour joining Mike & Billy in the ESPN Radio
1280am Studio is Matthew Hansen, UC Davis collegiate golfer who
will turn professional in August of 2014 and his sister Megan
Hansen who oversees the San Luis Obispo Junior Golf Tour.
Help Matt reach his goal by clicking here for his
Gofundme.com website.
Jun 28, 2014
During Mike's Course Mike & Billy discuss Mike's golf trip to Del Monte Golf Course in Monterey, California. Joining Mike & Billy in the ESPN Radio 1280am Studio is Matthew Hansen, UC Davis collegiate golfer who will turn professional in August of 2014. Help him reach his goal by clicking here for his Gofundme.com...
Jun 22, 2014
Dave Schimandle calls in for
"Clubbing with Dave" to discuss women's golf and golf
equipment. Mike & Billy "Ponder" more women's golf
thoughts. Greg Senestraro, Head Professional at Redwood
Empire Golf & CC calls in with a golf tip and to discuss golf
package opportunities at his golf course!
Golf Talk Radio with...
Jun 22, 2014
Mike & Billy discuss Women's
Golf Month - the month of June! Golf Talk Radio listeners
call in to discuss what draws women to play the game and what
drives them away. Mike & Billy also "Ponder" with a few
thoughts on women and golf.
Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy is brought to you by
Slickstix.com, Polara
Jun 15, 2014
Dave Schimandle calls in for
Clubbing with Dave to discuss with Mike & Billy the 2014 US Open
and how to best determine your Golf Set make up. Mike & Billy
determine whether or not the USGA ordered enough cookies for the US
Open. Mike & Billy share Father's Day golf stories and play
GTRadio trivia.
Golf Talk Radio...