Oct 19, 2008
During Mike's Course - Mike & Billy discuss Fred Couples
decision to elect Michael Jordan as Assistant Captain of the US
President's Cup Team. Mike & Billy also discuss the Golf
C.A.R.E. Expo being held at the Blacklake Golf Resort in Nipomo,
Ca. Jim Kiger, PGA Head Professional at Rio Bravo CC in
Bakersfield, California calls into GTR. Check out their
website at www.riobravocountryclub.com.
Avila Beach Golf Resort - www.avilabeachresort.com
Blacklake Golf Resort - www.blacklake.com
Avila Village Inn - www.avilabeachca.com
Avila LaFonda Hotel - www.avilalafondahotel.com
Golfland Warehouse - www.golflandwarehouse.com
Slickstix - www.slickstix.com
For more information on Golf Talk Radio with Mike & Billy
visit www.golftalkradio.com
and visit www.centralcoasttoday.com
for Golf Talk TV with Mike & Billy.